Tongdosa Temple in Yangsan
Provincial Monument of Gyeongnam
Tongdosa Temple was established by the eminent Vinaya Master
Jajang (ca, 590-658) in 646 during the reign of Queen Seondeok
(r. 632-647) of the Silla dynasty. The name of the temple is known
to come from the mountain on which it is located, which is said
to resemble Vulture Peak, where Shakyamuni Buddha gave his
sermon on Buddhist law. However, some historians argue that
the name is related with the tradition of ordaining priests in a
ceremony held at the Ordination Platform
According to Buddhist tradition in Korea, the main dharma hall
of a monastery is typically called Daeungjeon and is enshrined
with an image of Shakyamuni Buddha, But Daeungieon Hall of
Tongdosa Temple does not have a statue of Shakyamuni because
of the Ordination Platform located behind it which enshrines the
relics of Shak yamuni, The platform, which symbolizes "Buddha
as a Manifestation of the Truth", is where the most important
ceremony in the ordination of a monk takes place, While the
Geumganggyedan underwent several major repairs during the
Goryeo and Joseon periods, it maintains the characteristic features
of a traditional ordination platform of Korean Buddhism,
Tongdosa Temple is now widely regarded as one of Korea's most
precious repositories of Buddhist art as it counts Daeungieon
Hall and the Ordination Platform, both of which have been
designated as National Treasures, among its rich heritage. The
historical and cultural significance of Tongdosa Temple has led
to its inclusion on the list of seven historic Buddhist temples
inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites under the name,
Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries in Korea,
통도사는 경상남도 양산시에 위치한 사찰로, 신라 선덕여왕 15년84자장율사가
창건하였다. 통도사는 삼원체제로 분립된 가람 배치를 지니고 있는데, 석가모니
부처님의 진신사리를 봉안한 금강계단 을 중심으로 상.중 .하로전으로 구성되어있다. 특히 7세기 산지승원의 특징뿐만 아니라, 수행과 신행의 시대적 변천 과정을 고스란히 담고 있는 한국불교의 중심사찰이다. 또한, 석가여래의 진신사리를 비롯한 4만여 점에 이르는 성보유물과 600여 점에 달하는 불화 글씨 등을 보존하고
있는 불보의 종찰이자 '민족문화유산의 보고이다.
est Th its Th me
Tongdosa Temple, located in Yeongchuksan Mountain in Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do
was established in 646 by Jajang (590-658), an eminent monk of the Silla kingdom
(57 BCE-935 CE). It is said that Jajang brought the true remains of sakyamuni Buddha
from Tang China in 646 and built the ordination platform of this temple to enshrine
the remains
The defining characteristic of Tongdosa Temple is its spatial composition, consisting of
separate areas for daily life, worship, and meditation, which is well preserved in its traditional
form. The temple is also home to numerous Buddhist cultural heritage, including about
40,000 relics and 600 Buddhist paintings
양산 통도사 석당간
Stone Flagpole of Tongdosa Temple, Yangsan
경남 유형문화재
Provincial Tangible Cultural Heritage of Gyeongnam
당간은 사찰을 상징하거나 행사를 알리는 깃발인 당을 걸어 두기 위해 사찰의 입구에 세운 깃대를 말한다. 대부분 나무로 만들기 때문에 남아 있는 것이 거의 없고, 돌이나 철로 만든 당간만 남아 있다.
석당간은 돌로 만든 당간으로 현재까지 잘 보존되어 있다. 당간 중앙에는 나무아미타불 이라는 명문이 새겨져 있다.
당간을 받치는 기단의 구조나 당간을 지탱하기 위해 옆에 세우는 기둥인 당간지주의 규모 등으로 미루어 보아, 고려 말 내지 조선 초에 만든 것으로
추정한다. 다만 이후 여러 차례 보수하는 과정에서 형태는 다소 변형된 상태이다.
Buddhist monasteries in Korea had a long tradition of hoisting a flag (dang)
at the entrance to help visitors identify them or to inform them about the
holding of a ritual or ceremony. The flag was raised on a flagpole (danggan)
typically made of wood, stone or steel; however, most of them have been
lost, and only a few stone or steel flagpoles remain.
The stone flagpole of Tongdosa Temple is one of only a few to have been
preserved in their original condition. The middle section of the pole bears
ean inscription ofa mantra composed ofsix Chinese
meaning, "1 seek refuge in the Amitabha Buddha." The stone base of the
pole and the pair of stone pillars (dangganjiju) set up to support the pole
suggest that it dates back to the late Goryeo (918-1392) or early Joseon
(1392-1910) period. There are visible traces of repairs which may have
affected its original form.
산사, 한국의 산지승원
산사는 한반도 남쪽 지방에 위치한 통도사. 부석사, 봉정사. 법주사
마곡사, 선암사, 대흥사 등 7개 산지승원을 일컫는 것이다
7세기에서 9세기에 창건된 이들 7개 사찰은 신앙과 수행. 일상생활을 중심으로 한 한국 불교의 역사적인 발전 모습을 보여 준다. 또한
한국 선불교의 특징 인 자급자족이 가능한 사찰 관리, 승려 교육 수행과 교리 학습뿐만 아니라 한국 불교의 무형적,역사적 측면도 확인할 수 있다. 경내에는 한국의 다양한 불교신앙이 수용되어 있으며, 역사적으로 중요한 다수의 구조물과 전각. 유물, 문서 등은 한국 불교의 포용적 특성을 잘 반영하고 있다.
산사는 조선시대 역압과 전란으로 많은 손상을 입었다. 그러나 오늘날에도 신성한 장소로서, 신앙과 일상적인 총교적 실천이 살아 있다.
산사, 한국의 산지승원 세계유산 등재 과정
2013. 12. 17.: 한국의 전통 산사 잠정목록 등재
2015. 3. 12.: 한국의 전통 산사 우선 추진 대상 선정
2017. 1. 27.: 유네스코 세계유산 등재 신청서 제출
(명칭: 한국의 전동 산사 -산사, 한국의 산지승원)
2017. 9. 11 ~ 9. 16: 이코모스(ICOMOS) 현지 실사
2018. 7. 4.: 산사, 한국의 산지승원 세계유산 등재
국제기념물위원회, 유네스코세계유산위원회 자문기구
국세선합교육. 과학 문화기구
세계문화자연유산보호 협약
산사, 한국의 산지승원을
세계유산으로 등록합니다.
본 세계문화유산 동제는 모든 인유활 위해서 보호해야 하는 문화 또는 자연 유산의 뛰어난 보편적 가치물 인정하는 것입니다.
Sansa, Buddhist Mountain
Monasteries in Korea
Sansa, meaning " mountain monasteries" in Korean, refers to Buddhist temples
located in mountainous areas. Here, communities of monastics and lay believers
have carried out Buddhist traditions of spiritual practice, religious worship, and
daily living until the present day. Seven renowned mountain monasteries were
inscribed as a group on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2018. The group
consists of Tongdosa Temple, Buseoksa Temple, Bongjeongsa Temple, Beopjusa
Temple, Magoksa Temple, Seonamsa Temple, and Daeheungsa Temple, which
are distributed across the southern provinces of the Republic of Korea.
These seven temples flourished from the 7th to the 9th centuries and served as
centers of religious belief, spiritual practice, and daily living of monastic communities.
Since their establishments, the temples have continuously conducted religious
services, rites and ceremonies, teaching, and monastic practices based on Buddhist
belief introduced through China, while also incorporating diverse native beliefs.
Their notable historic structures, worship halls, objects, and documents reflect
the unique character of Korean Buddhism. Despite suppression during the Joseon
dynasty (1392-1910) and damage caused by wars and conflicts over the years,
these mountain monasteries stand as sacred places, which have survived to the
present as embodiments of the historical development of Buddhism in Korea.
Process for Inscription on the
World Heritage List
Dec. 17, 2013: Officially inscribed on the Tentative List of
UNESCO World Heritage
Mar. 12, 2015: Selected for priority inscription
Jan. 27, 2017: Application submitted
Sep. 11-16, 2017: Surveyed and evaluated by ICOMOS
Jul. 4, 2018: Officially inscribed by UNESCO
* The International Council on Monuments and Sites
(ICOMOS) is the official advisor to UNESCO on matters
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Sansa, Buddhist MNountain
Mlonasteries in Koiea
on the Wbrld Heritaye List
Inscription on this List confirms the outstanding
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